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Transit Collection

A visual collection of the graphic design and illustration work promoting Portland's transportation systems.

The original TriMet Logo designed by Clyde Van Cleve in the 1970s.

Curation support by PNCA students Lena Gonzales and Audrey Shuman.

Slide 1: Ad introducing LIFT door-to-door transit service for travelers with disabilities, 1976.

Slide 2: TriMet improvement ad, 1975.

Slide 3: Fareless square illustration,1975.

Slide 4: Ad announcing flat fares for the first time, 1975.

Slide 5: TriMet Winter booklet, 1970-71.

TriMet Ride Atlas 1978

The TriMet Ride Atlas from 1978 introduction states, "You have changed and so has public transit in the tri-county area." This atlas with bold infographics is a complete 101 of the metro area transit system. Source: Jason McHuff.

TriMet Map Collection

Source: Jason McHuff.

Slide 1: 1970 TriMet map

Slide 2-3: 1974 TriMet map

Slide 4: 1980 TriMet map

Slide 5: 1984 TriMet map

Portland Traction Co. Weekly Passes 1936 -1939

The Portland Traction Company (later called Rose City Transit and then TriMet) operated public transportation and started issuing weekly passes from 1936 -1939 to increase electric streetcar ridership. These passes were decorative design pieces that changed weekly and promoted a variety of public service announcements. The two local illustrators known to be producers of this work are Lawrence Russell Lewton and Richard Lawlor. More information. Credit: Oregon Historical Society. OHS Museum, 2007-12.1.461


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